Services Overview
Below is a explanation of
available services.
The services category:
- Dial-up Access phone number tables (available dialup numbers)
- Register a domain
- Web Hosting services
Utilities category:
- Dial-up account usage checker (see how long you have been on line)
- Customer update center (update your mailing address, credit card
information, etc.)
- Email web access (access your email while away from your computer
via our web site)
- On-line calendar
- Our links page (links to good sites and services, used by us and
recommended by our customers)
- Search the internet (was a good search engine before all the rest
showed up)
- URL submitter (if you have a web site, even the free personal sites
we supply you can submit them to the search engines for inclusion)
- Contact us (if your email should go down of if you have any comments
about our service you can send them in through the web interface)
- Web page maker (make your personal web page and post it)
Fun Stuff
Games and other novelties:
- Chat room (for talking with others, not like I.M.)
- Listing of our customer free web pages
- Hangman game (like when you were a kid)
- Never ending story (you are welcome to add to the story)
- Post card maker (send a postcard to a friend or loved one, you can
even upload your own picture)
- Members Web Pages (create, edit, add your web page)
Information Pages
Setup instructions, announcements and important information:
- 10 digit dialing setup for your connection configuration
- Agreement (our "Terms of Service" agreement)
- Announcements (announcements and informational emails that we have
sent out)
- System set-up (instructions for using our service)
- Filtered Access (information and instructions on using our filtered
- Newsgroup set-up (for using newsgroups with our service)
- Privacy statement